Zetex产品应用于蜂窝电话、便携式及桌面电脑、PDAS、汽车、舞台灯光、相机、卫星电视、工艺自动化、视频/多媒体系统。目前产品型号达2500多种,采用的工艺包括双极型、CMOS、HDMOS和沟道MOSFET晶片工艺。Zetex plc公司位于英国Oldham,拥有设计中心、晶片工厂、组装检测工厂,此外,在德国有一个组装封装工厂,中国成都有负责芯片组装、测试的合资企业。部分生产则交由亚洲的一些转包商完成。
2008年7月,Diodes Incorporated 宣布完成了对 Zetex plc(捷特科)的现金收购交易。
Zetex Semiconductors plc is a UK-based manufacturer of discrete semiconductor devices such as diodes and transistors.
Zetex Semiconductors provides high-performance semiconductor solutions for signal processing and power management applications in the automotive, communications, consumer, and industrial market segments.
Originally a subsidiary of Ferranti Semiconductor, Zetex took its name from Ferranti's ZTX series of bipolar transistors. It was sold to Plessey in 1988, then bought out by management in 1989 to become Zetex plc. At this point it owned two manufacturing sites in Oldham: Gem Mill and Lansdowne Road. It then became a subsidiary of Telemetrix plc, until in 2004 it changed its name to Zetex Semiconductors plc. In 2008 it was acquired by Dallas-based Diodes Incorporated.
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